Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Sometimes explaining things in this blog helps me make sure I fully understand what is told to me. Dr. O'Brien is still in surgery so part of the cardiac team came to talk to me. They were told by my sweet nurse that they needed to before the end of the day. This is what they said. Again, Dr. R found a small hole in the stitching of the patch that was used to close Cooper's VSD. This type of thing happens but most often after a few months and therefore tissue and blood cells have built up around the stitching so when this happens the hole is closed up anyway. The hole is approximately 4mm. They believe Cooper's occurred simply because of the substantial pressure he has encountered in the past few days while his heart tried to pump blood into his somewhat restricted pulmonary arteries. So if they were to view this problem as it is now and thought of it as a small VSD on an infant they would typically restrict, not stop, but restrict the blood flow to the pulmonary arteries. Then they would give it some time to see if it repairs itself or if further repairs would need to be made. In Cooper's case, if you remember, I have said that his pulmonary arteries are small and restricted. So in essence, what caused this problem is also what is temporarily fixing it. Now, there are several scenarios and Dr. O'Brien will be the one to make the final decision however they assured me that Dr. O'Brien made it perfectly clear early today that entering back into open heart surgery was not something he wanted to consider for Cooper at this time.

They have now sent orders to continue the weaning process. They have started turning down the ventilator again and lowered the meds they are trying to get him off of. Once again, I think this is good news. Now what I will have for you in the next two hours, only time will tell. Hahaha!


Anonymous said...

Honey, listen to your mom. They will not do anything that they don't think that Coop can handle. God won't let them do anything that Coop can't handle. He is a fighter. He is the champ of all champs and he gets his strength from you guys. Stay strong just a little while longer.

I am glad that you had a good time with Raelynn today. She is a tough little cookie just like her mama.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you...
Much prayers, hugs, kisses, smiles and tears of joy.
Love you all! Let us know if you need anything.
Jill, Mike, Taylor, Dante and Ellie

The Wiley Clan said...


As moms often do, your mom had some really great words of wisdom. Just do your best to stay positive! I know it's easier said than done, as I cannot imagine how frustrating it must be having doctors come in and out, some leaving behind different speculations, etc. Look at the bright side-Cooper has SO many wonderful doctors and nurses looking out for his best interest.

As I've said many times, you and Terry are such wonderful parents! Your children feel your love in your every interaction with them. It's evident in the way Raelynn looks at you and the way she plays with you as though you were a tot her age. :)

Tomorrow will be a brighter day! As always, we hold you all close in our hearts and prayers!

Jana, Isaac & Emma

miles3_17 said...

We are back and I'm trying to catch up on all the stuff thats been going on....jeez!! Well just hang in there, can we come see you sometime, do you need anything? Please let me know now that I'm in Lawrence. Tell Raelynn she can come play w/Kaden if she wants sometime. Talk to you soon, take care and tell Coop to keep fighting!!

Nana Jan said...

I'm sitting here with tears flowing down my cheeks wishing I could just flip a switch and make things better for you guys. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers constantly but feel that it's not enough, I want to do more! We got home last night and will be up to see you guys in the next couple of days. I can't wait to give you a big HUG!!! Please give Cooper a kiss for me.