Monday, June 2, 2008


Things have been a little hectic this morning. First, thank you all again for your comments. Yesterday was one of those days and your encouragement really helps. In one comment it was said remember "it is the tough times that makes us appreciate the good" and how true is that. I remember when we were here last time and we finally got to go home after 14 days. Nothing had felt so good as that night when we were all home and the kids were both resting in bed and I just watched them both, in the same house, together again. It was great.

Last night was another very long night. Cooper could not calm down. He was jittery and agitated all night. Finally at about 4:15 am they were finally able to get enough alternative medication in him to calm him. I laid down and fell asleep very quickly only to wake 2 short hours later for x-rays and doctors rounds. I can't not stand by his bed and comfort him anyway I can when he is going through this. Think how he must feel. Scared...confused....who knows but at least I want him to feel me there. Last night, early in the evening he opened his eyes for about 5 minutes. He was perfectly calm and I just talked to him and held his hand the whole time. It was the best 5 minutes we have had in a long time.

So today is Monday so a new intensivast is on call and a new doctor means a new method to the madness. As I said there is no real science behind this crazy weaning process so of course every doctor has a different idea of how it should be done. Dr. Webster made some adjustment's to the ventilator, no real steps forwards or backwards, just adjustments. The removed his catheter and the monitors on his kidneys and head. I think this makes him a little more comfortable. Every time they remove monitors or tubes it just makes me want to hold him more. They did an ultrasound on all of his organs; liver, kidneys, stomach, gall bladder, intestines, etc. They looked at the organ, blood flow and things like that. They completed that about 10:30 am so I am anxiously awaiting the results. I have the butterflies back in my stomach just hoping they don't find any problems. I am really not dealing well with set backs right now. They also gave him this little patch that last for a week that works like a muscle relaxer so that maybe he will not be so agitated. Other than that, nothing much has changed. Another day of waiting and hoping that we see a little progress!


Anonymous said...

Continued prayers and hugs....

Mary Sabo