Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Cooper news first.....they have turned down his drips again. This is good. The drips are the sleep and pain meds we have to get rid of. He is starting to wake a little more and I have seen his little eyes a couple of times. He does not seem to be in much pain thank goodness and his withdrawal symptoms have been pretty much limited to jitters and itchy eyes. They are also weaning the ventilator more today with the plan to remove it in the morning. Yes I said remove it in the morning! I am trying so hard not to be uncontrollably excited because as we all know things can change on a dime around here but the truth is I can hardly wait. Once the ventilator is gone I can hold Cooper. It has been 14 days since I held him! They also are going to be taking his staples out today or tomorrow and removing the last dressing that is over the area where his drainage tubes. Once all that is done he will just be left with 2 IVS and look like a little baby again. They have also increased his feeds and decreased the amount of lipids which is also all good news. So all in all the day is beginning with great news for Cooper!

This morning, Michelle, this perfectly wonderful nurse who I have really gotten to know, brought me Twizzlers and skittles. You know you have been here way to long when they even know the treats you like. She said she felt so bad for us yesterday and knew there was nothing she could do for Cooper so she thought she would just try to help me. She is a doll. I also decided today that as soon as I am able to go home and get more clothes I am going to start running again. I had been avoiding it because we are not in a very safe area and there is no where to run except outside. However, I decided poking my eyeballs out was not safe either so I am going to take my chances with running. I have been told to just make sure I only run to the west and to run only during daylight hours and I should be fine so that is the plan. I think it will make me feel much better.

Hopefully I will not have another update until this evening. That will mean everything went as planned and nothing has changed except for the better.


Anonymous said...

Thank God for the good news!!! I know running will help but please be careful and make sure someone knows when you leave. I just love it when you sound happy. Give the little man a big kiss from Grandma.
I love You,


Anonymous said...


Mary Sabo :)

Huber Family said...

Yay! So glad to hear more good news about our boy!!! I'll keep praying that he keeps improving and that you get to hold your sweet little angel tomorrow. I'll also pray that you are safe on your run! = )
Positive thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Could you carry a phone and pepper spray please!


Anonymous said...

I need mase and maybe a knife hidden in your sock!


Tatum Eck said...

Kristi that is the best news ever!!! I'm so happy for all of you!! I know that area very well with all of our trips to CM with Donovan, so please be sooooooo careful when you are running!! I was going to come tonight however can't.....I will call you soon and see when is a good time to visit:o) Love ya! Give Cooper another big squeeze for us!!

Tatum Eck