Thursday, June 5, 2008


Ok where do I even start? First, thank you all for sharing in our excitement. I felt each of your joys, tears and laughter as I read your comments. I love that about you all and it made me even happier. I have given Cooper enough hugs and kisses today to take care of all your hug requests I am sure. Tom said Cooper is our rainbow through the rain and boy was he right. Just to show you what kind of people are here, the comment from Erin....that was one of our nurses. How sweet is that. So thank you all and on to the good stuff :)

Our day began with much excitement as you know with Kitty pulling Coop's staples and dressings. They look really good. The one in the neck where the large cannuals were is pretty scary looking but it is in a very difficult place and we will just have to take very tender care of it. Besides, who cares about a few scares!!! Jan, Jana and Emma came to visit late morning. It was wonderful to see them and we had a great visit. Cooper even tried to peak at them once or twice but was still just too tired at that point. Unfortunately Cooper wasn't able to see Emma but I sure did and she is just adorable! After they left I tried very hard to wake Cooper but was told he had to wake on his own before we could remove the ventilator....Stupid Rules!!! Cooper started to wake a little when Leigh Ann, Madison and Morgan came to visit. They were only able to stay for a short while because things were starting to move with Cooper. It was great to see them though!!! As I was being called back to Cooper's room Aunt Bonnie and Nan were walking in. As I ran passed them and invited one of them back for the big event. Bonnie came running and got to help hold Cooper while they pulled the tube. I am not sure she was really pleased to be there for the whole event but I was very happy to have her there. Nan also came back to visit with Cooper and both he and I were so happy to see her. So needless to say, today was a fabulous day for visits.

Now for the best part. Cooper finally woke enough for the team to decide to pull the ventilator. I remember from last time that this is not a great experience. However, even as I type this just 8 hours later I truly do not remember the bad scary parts. What I do remember is seeing those big blue eyes and seeing those amazingly cute lips. He looked so perfect! I had not seen those precious eyes for so long. The rest of the day he was in and out. At 6pm, Beth, another wonderful nurse, poked her head in and asked if I had held him yet. I shook my head and she said to grab a chair. And that was that. I held my soft miraculous baby. It felt so good I cannot even begin to tell you. Those of you who have had children and remember the first time you got to hold them can relate. The feeling is so calming and perfect. Terry always says "it isn't Kristi's world" but while I sat there holding him that is exactly what it was.

He is doing well. His throat has been scratched and is very swollen but he is staying strong . His stats and lab work looked very good. He slips in and out of sleep and we are just trying to keep him "comfortable" right now. Terry holds one hand and I the other every time his eyes open. Tonight, whether I get to sleep or not, I will rest soundly.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful picture! Can't wait to see you. Love, Cathy

Tatum Eck said...

Kristi you look so happy!! I will sleep better tonight knowing you have held your little man!!! What an awesome day this has been!! Enjoy every minute of it!!:o) We are all so happy!

Love, The Ecks

Nana Jan said...

I could hardly wait for this update to come, and what a fabulous one it was. I can certainly remember the joy of holding both of my kids for the first time but it can't be anything like it is for you to once again have Cooper back in your arms after all he's been through. I'm so EXCITED for you
Kristi! Have a great day with Cooper, and as always give him a kiss and hug!
Love ya

Anonymous said...

I cannot tell you how happy it is to see your smile as you hold the little CHAMP. That is new nickname. He is definitely the champ of all champs! I love you guys a lot and cannot wait to see those blue eyes as well.

Love Lisa and crew

miles3_17 said...

Amazing what our God can put Cooper (and you guys), through and still come out fighting. You guys still continue to grow strength in whatever way it fits to each of your situations (as Cooper awakes, and you as a mom). God only gives you what you can handle and it's proven his "circumstance" happened for a reason.
"Instead of trying to get through your circumstance, look at it as something God's given you and he's doing the work while you wait"...which is exactly what you, Terry and Raelynn have done, and done very patiently. Congrats on your little Rainbow and continue to feed him the love all around. Can't wait to see you guys.

The Wiley Clan said...

Yeah!!!!! What a beautiful picture--worth a thousand words! :)

I'm SO thrilled that everything is going so well with The Champ (officially my new nickname for Coop!). Every day from here on out will get better and better! As I know you are, savor every moment and please give The Champ hugs and kisses from the Wiley family! :)

Have a great day!
Jana, Isaac & Emma

Anonymous said...

Oh Kristi....I can't even begin to express my happiness for you and your family. The Lord has a plan...your rainbow has finally come. Love the picture.....sending hugs, tears, and now smiles!!!!!

Mary Sabo
Wisconsin :)


About those scars: Don't worry Marty will let Cooper know when he gets older that "chics dig scars!"

Marty was told this by his Grandpa Rick and Grandpas don't lie.

You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Take Care,