Thursday, June 19, 2008


There is so much to update on. Since I am not sitting at the hospital all day with nothing to do, updating the blog is much harder than it used to be. So Wednesday was my first day back at work. The morning went relatively well even though Cooper puked his feeding tube out shortly before I was ready to head off to work. We got that put back in and I headed to Lisa's. This was her first full day with the kids and my first full day without them. Neither was easy for either of us. Things were going along until Cooper's noon feeding when he pulled his feeding tube out. I headed to Lisa's to put another one in. (2nd one of the day) We got that all situated and I headed back to work. I had planned to take my lunch hour around 2:45pm so that I could go back to Lisa's to walk through the 3pm feed and massive amounts of meds. We gave the first set of meds and then were getting ready to start his feed but there was something blocking the passage in the feeding tube. We tried and tried to fix it but ended up having to put yet another tube in (3rd one of the day). I got it in just fine but then could not get the wire pulled out. So I had to pull that tube and try yet another (4th tube of the day). Finally we got that one in. We were so off on our schedule by this time, Cooper was completely irritated and I was frustrated. I headed back to work about 4:30pm. I called Apria to send me more feeding tubes when they informed me that insurance only covered one. Are you kidding, we just went through 4 in 1 day!!! Cooper also was starting to throw up more often and in larger amounts. We made it through the evening and night and headed back to Lisa's this morning. Other than the fact we could not make it through one single feeding without Cooper throwing up, things went really well today. I called our pediatrician to discuss the throwing up issue and he was gone til morning. However, his wonderful nurse helped me decide to switch Cooper back over to Nutramogen, a formula we had him own when he was first born. Dr. Kelley had mentioned to us when we met with him that this is what he would try first if the throwing up became more often. Jill provided me with some samples and I took them over to Lisa. Cooper made it through his 3pm feeding without any problem on the new formula. He also did much better with the 6pm feeding as well but I did pick him up to soon after his feeding which we have learned is a big mistake. All in all though, things seemed to go a little smoother today. I am just very worried about the constant stomach problems and Lisa agrees it breaks our hearts to watch him because it is so evident that it hurts him. When he is not being sick though he seems so happy. He smiles and plays and it is wonderful to watch.

Tonight has went very well. Once again I did not have to rush home and prepare a meal because we are still enjoying the food Jenny brought over. This has really made a big difference in the nightly chaos. I am extremely tired due to the rigorous night schedule but feel so fortunate that things seem to be getting a little easier. Lisa is doing fabulous with everything and continues to just love on little Cooper as if he were her own and never letting me feel like this is as stressful as I know it is. Mom and my sisters are up this weekend to help Sherri prepare to move so they stopped by to visit this evening. It is always great to see them.

As I have mentioned before, there are some extremely thoughtful, helpful and amazing things being done by our family and friends in order to continue supporting us. I had mentioned to one of my friends, Amy, that I was going to make blankets to donate to CMH. The nurses are fanatics about the blankets they use on the babies beds in the PICU. The literally fight over and hide the cute ones. It is hilarious! Well Amy told her Mom, Michelle who lives in Utah, what I wanted to do. Michelle took it upon herself and made several wonderfully perfect blankets and sent them directly to me. I got home Wednesday, after having a rough day, and there was this box full of blankets. I was so excited and wished I could just hug her through the phone. They were all perfect and it meant so much that she would do this so quickly. On top of that, as I have said before, there have been some fundraisers being done and others being discussed and this has just brought tears to my eyes every time I hear about it. In addition, today Tom pulled me aside to tell me that he had established a trust account in Cooper's name for us to help make sure all the fundraising comes together and donations can be more easily made. Once again I sat in amazement at the kindness and thoughtfulness being shown to us. Oh I had thought about how I was going to separate things and such but had not had time to do anything more that think about it and now it was all taken care of.

As long as I live I will never forget what I have learned in the past month about myself and life in general nor the love, support and genuine kindness of our family and friends. If only each of you could crawl into my heart and feel what I feel, only then would you know how very grateful I am for each and everyone of you.


The Wiley Clan said...

Would you please stop making me cry reading your blog?! ;) It moves me greatly to hear how appreciative you are for the little things all of us as your friends are able to do for you guys to show our love and support!

I know I speak for many when I say that you are such a special family and we feel very blessed to have you in our lives as well!

Stay strong--this first month may be a bit rough, but just like in the hospital, every day will get easier and inch you back into your own "normalcy." We're here for you--don't forget to lean on us, when needed! :)

All our love,
Jana, Isaac and Emma

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am so happy to see he has made it home. I haven't gotten a chance to read up on the blog lately. I am so proud of you guys and remember baby steps:)

Give my boy some hugs for me ok!

Tatum Eck said...

Kristi, that is what friends are for!! You would do the same for us if we had been where you are! We all love you and will do anything to make this a little bit easier for you! I know it is going to be hard for you however, please just except all the fundraisers and help that people are wanting to give you. It helps us feel better and makes us feel like we are doing our part to help little Cooper out:o)

Love Tatum

Anonymous said...

Kristi - I am so amazed at the incredible strength you show everyday. I don't know how you do it! But you're a Mom, so you just do whatever it takes. I just found out about your blog a couple of days ago and read through every posting in a day (I shouldn't have done it at work, though, because I couldn't stop crying!) Cooper is one very, very lucky little boy to have such wonderful parents, family and friends. I will keep you all, especially Cooper, in my prayers daily. I pray God continues to heal him and that he gives you the strength to get through each day.


Huber Family said...

Ok, first off, ditto on the first line of "the wiley clan" comments! My eyes are perpetually bloodshot! But, seriously, my heart goes out to you and your family. You all have so much on your plate right now, but you are getting through it all with such strength and grace.

I sure hope the new formula continues to make Cooper's feedings easier for all of you.

I'm so glad to hear the meals are helping out a little bit. I wish there was more I could do.

Keep being the awesome super-mommy that you are and things will soon fall into place.

Prayers and positive thoughts,
Jenny, Corey, Riley and Gage

Valerie said...

I'm glad you are surviving being home, but it sounds a little crazy. You tell Apria that you've explained to Cooper that he can only have one feeding tube but he disagreed :) The blankets are a great know how we are! I will keep up with your posts and hope all continues to go well.

Anonymous said...

Was so glad when you got to all come. You are so strong Are doing so great keeping things going in the right direction. Copper has has had so much to go through, but it is the rest of the family that is so good about every thing going. Cpper is so sweet and cuite. God Bless you all I read the blob every day. Keep the faith. We love you all Aunt Jackie B

miles3_17 said...

You guys are doing awesome and just stay strong. We have so much planned and I am glad I can be apart of something so special to us, your friends. To be able to contribute just this little amount makes me and I'm sure the others feel needed and usable during this process. We know how hard it is for you to let others actually "help" you when you need it. So let us do all this for you and you just take care of Cooper and Raelynn!!(And Terry of course!)

Anonymous said...

The headlines read our friends and family are amazing. It should read the Keefer family is amazing. I know you and Terry wonder everyday how can we do this, but you will find the strenght to appomplish that as well. Sounds like you are on the right track. So happy to hear Cooper is doing so well. I loved the video of Raylene calling poho. Hang tough and keep good news coming our way.

Love Aunt LInda