Thursday, June 5, 2008


I keep getting texts as to status, we are still waiting. We have spent 15 days trying keep Cooper asleep and he finally caught on. Now we need him to wake up and he is sleeping!!! His numbers look great and they are ready but the little man needs to be more awake. We have had lots of visitors (nurses) in and out waiting for the big event. He looks so cute too. Our night nurse, Erin, who we adore made his bed really bright and cute and gave him a real good scrub down (she was calling him stinky pants!) for his big day. So everything is in place and now we are just waiting.


Anonymous said...

you know that our little guy does what he wants to on his own schedule and his schedule alone!!!

I can't wait to see him. Ive been a bit under the weather but I am feeling better.

Tatum Eck said...

I'm so excited for the minute you get to hold little Cooper and look into each others eye's and really see each other!! It will be such a beautiful moment when you get to smile at one another!!! Kristi you and Terry have been so strong through out these past few weeks and so good at keeping us all informed........thank you so much for allowing us to share your good times along with your bad times. We are all praying for Cooper and for you and Terry to remain strong. Looking forward to the day you can tuck your two little ones in their own bed again.....I believe that will be very soon!!

Love the Ecks