Saturday, June 14, 2008


So on the 25th day we were released!!!! Yeah!!! The doctors came in this morning and said they were either going to have to put us on the payroll or discharge us and thank goodness they decided on discharging. We were so excited. We got home about 3 pm and I have not stopped for one second since then. I wasn't the only one who enjoyed being home, Cooper seemed to be so content. He played and swung and just seemed to hang out. Tom and Jan stopped by to welcome us home and it was so good to see them. I feel like we have been away for a year!

Cooper is still having some problems keeping his food down and I am just hoping this will get better. I am more than overwhelmed with his feeding and medication regiment. We are either feeding him or giving him medication or doing both at 12am, 3am, 6am, 7am, 9am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 3pm, 6pm, 7pm, 9pm and 11pm. I was so stressed out figuring it all out I just sat down here on the computer and cried. I am going to call Dr. Kelley on Monday and try to meet with him as soon as possible to make sure that I have things spread out and timed the best way possible. Some of his meds cannot be given together and some cannot be given with his feeds. The feeds alone are crazy because they are every 3 hours but they are set to feed over a full hour. We ended up with a total of 10 meds. Anyway, I had no idea how impossible it would feel to make sure that Cooper gets what he needs. We also have the issue that at some of the times we give so many meds on a full stomach he throws up and then what? We don't know if he got the meds or if he just threw them up. Anyway, I am just hoping I can keep my mind through tomorrow and then hopefully will be able to see Dr. Kelley for some help. We have already had to put Cooper's feeding tube back in after once of the times he got sick. Of course this is just the tip of the ice berg too. I already have a list a mile long of things that need done. This is exactly what I told myself I was not going to do. I am trying to take a deep breath and convince myself that not every single thing needs done by Monday but I hate having things incomplete. O.C.D....I know!!!

Raelynn comes home tomorrow and does not know we are home. She will be so surprised and I am so excited to see her. This is sure to be one of the best Father's Day Terry will every have!


Nana Jan said...

It was SO great to see you guys at home yesterday instead of in the hospital!! I know things seem a little overwhelming but you'll get it worked out and things will come together, you're a great organizer.
Yes, just remember everything doesn't have to be done today, there's always tomorrow. Please reach out to your friends for help we're here for you!

Tatum Eck said...

Kristi and Terry...Eric and I were sooooo happy to get up this morning and read the blog!!! What a truely wonderful day Fathers Day will be!! Raelynn is going to be so happy to have all of you home together again!!! Look forward to seeing you all very soon!!

Love, The Ecks

Anonymous said...

We are so glad you are home - I saw your cars yesterday, but just thought you were doing laundry and repacking so that was great to see on the blog! Remember, all of the stuff you want done will still be there tomorrow:) I struggle with that sometimes too! Please let me know when I can help!
the Cooks

The Wiley Clan said...

We are SO thrilled that you are all home together! No doubt this will be the best Father's Day ever for Terry!

You guys have been through so much, but survived and for that you are truly stronger! Cooper is so blessed to have you both for parents!

Hang in there--I think Dr. Kelley will help give you some advice and tips to ease the transition and you'll be used to this new, temporary "normalcy" in no time!

We can't wait to see you guys later today!

Jana, Isaac and Emma

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day, Terry! I know things will just get easier and easier. Remember to stop often and just BREATHE!! Love to all, Cathy & Don