Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Last night went really well again. Of course it did, we had our fun nurse Erin again. (To Erin's Mom: You are right, Cooper is doing great because he has a great nurse! You should be very proud, we love her!) Cooper was full of smiles and he left her another poopy diaper right before shift change. That is how we know he likes her. :) The morning has went well too. Cooper woke up about 6:30 am and did not go back to sleep until 10:45am. He was happy the whole time and even played in his Bumbo. His neck is still very week so we have to be careful. I have not held Cooper much because it seems to irritate him. We were not sure if it was a pain issue or what but this morning I picked him up and we smiled and talked and before I knew it he fell asleep in my arms. I have to admit I shed a few tears. It finally seems as though we are getting Cooper back.

Today they have turned off the Milrinone and if all goes well the will pull the IV in his neck tomorrow and we will head to the 4th floor. Yeah! They have also decreased his Ativan by 10% today and if that goes well will decrease the Methadone by 10% and will continue this process until we get him weaned off. They have switched all medications to oral now so there will be nothing going through the IV. They are requesting a consult with the Occupational Therapist to help us get Cooper eating again. It appears to me that he is not eating because it hurts to swallow but they want to make sure that is all that is going on. He still does not have a voice and will examine his vocal cords if that does not come back before we are ready to leave. They have also taken his breathing treatments to just 2x per day. Cooper is not a big fan of these so for him I am happy.

They are drawing blood from Terry and I to do the genetic test and we meet with the geneticist September 9th. Yep September 9th. This is apparently a very slow process. I am not worrying about this for now. I will save it to worry about in September, hahaha!

Terry stopped by to see Raelynn last night on the way up here and she asked him when we get to move back home. Does that not break your heart? I miss that girl so much!!! I will never be able to explain how it feels when she hugs me. She hugs so tight I feel it so deep inside and it feels so good when it is the hello hug and yet the same hug hurts so bad when it is the goodbye hug. I have never felt anything like it but I guess until you're a Mommy of such special babies you never do!


Anonymous said...

Looks to me like my nephew is showing a little attitude in this picture--how great! I can't wait to see him and play awhile.


Anonymous said...

That picture makes his Dumbo look so cute ;) I miss you all, and Im soooooo happy to hear everything is going so good.


Huber Family said...

GREAT PIC! GREAT NEWS! There's seriously not much better than when your sweet baby dozes off in your arms = ) [except for maybe Raelynn's hugs!] Tell Cooper to keep up the good work!
Jen, Corey, Riley & Gage

Tatum Eck said...

Oh Kristi he looks so wonderful!! I am so happy for you that you may be moving to the 4th floor tomorrow!! Everytime you talk about Raelynn leaving you it takes my breath away.....I don't even want to know what that feeling feels like to have to tell your baby goodbye and not tuck them in!! You all will be home very soon, there are so many special people in your life sending prayers out and we are all sending the same one's, so it's got to happen soon!!:o)


Nana Jan said...

Cooper looks SO cute in his bumbo chair, it's great to see him sitting up again. What a thrill that must have been to have your sweet little boy fall asleep in your arms. Raelynn will be absolute thrilled the day you tell her you're coming home with Cooper, and the family will be back together again. We're looking forward to that "4th floor" blog!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a good day!! Each day there's a little more good news! Thank you sooo much for keeping us updated with info and pics. We miss and love you, Cathy & Don

Anonymous said...

what great news and great pictures. I always look forward to coming home and reading your blog especially when there is good news. I will pray that each day gets a little better.

Take Care

Aunt Linda

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear good news for so many days in a row. Cooper looks great in his little chair. Good luck tomorrow on your trip to the 4th floor. I'll be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

I have not commented until now although I read your blog daily. I just want to let you know there is yet another fan out there praying for you, Cooper, Raelyn and Terry and all the wonderful medical folks involved. Your written words are so alive and strong, even when some sadness permeates! There is incredible healing from love and hope. Stay strong.
Love, Linda W. (Isaac's mom)