Monday, June 2, 2008


We received the results of the ECHO and ultra sounds. Cooper's organs are fine just have extra fluid around them. The heart on the other hand has a small leak in the patch that was used to fix it. The doctors will be consulting with Dr. O'Brien in the morning to determine if they will just treat the heart with medication, perform another cardiac catheter to get a better look, or will once again enter his tiny heart to fix the leak and we will start all over. That is it. That is what we have to think about until morning.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. I just want to be their with you , to try and comfort you in some way. I just can't imagine what you are thinking and when will everything be O.K. It sounds like Cooper is one strong little boy and he is going to prove that to all of us. Please keep your head up and pray for the best. We will keep you all in our prayers.

Love Aunt Linda

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you do it. I sit and look at the blinking cursor for what seems like forever trying to figure out what to say to you to make you feel better. I just can't imagine how long and hard your days and nights are, but please know we love you. I wish we could somehow take your place so you could get some rest and regroup, but only Mom is Mom. Hang in there, you are so much closer to being home than you were before even though at times I'm sure it doesn't feel like it. I'm thinking of you and saying many prayers...

The Wiley Clan said...

I cannot even imagine the mix of emotions you must have pouring through your body! Completely understandable! Just do your best to stay positive!

I know you don't feel like you can see the light at the end of the tunnel yet, but turn around and look back at how far you (and Cooper) have come over these past couple of weeks! Coop has been such a little fighter and despite the many challenges thrown his way, he came off the ECMO like a champ and each day takes baby steps back to you and Terry.

You and Terry are such amazing parents! Go easy on yourselves and keep taking those deep breaths, but don't forget to exhale...brighter days are ahead! :)

We love you guys!

Jana, Isaac and Emma

Nana Jan said...

Good morning, You've already started into a new day as I sit here and read your blog from AZ. I hope that things goes well for Cooper today and the doctor's will bring you the news you want to hear. I sure hope the little guy doesn't have to start over again with more open heart surgery. He certainly has been a fighter up to this point and will continue to be. Take a deep breath and continue to be strong, I know at any given moment it's hard to but you are a fighter too, that's where Cooper get's his strongness from. Remember we are continuously thinking and praying for all of you. See you real soon.
Jan, Tom and the Oylers

Anonymous said...

Kristi and Terry--Remember Psalm 23. It tells us God is our caregiver/provider (1-3); our protector (4); our host (5) and promises of God's love here on earth and into eternity (6). Find rest in the words of this Psalm. Praise God for how far Cooper has come and know God is in control and He is perfection. Hugs and kisses from all the Keefer's!