Thursday, June 17, 2010


We just got back from CMH and Cooper looks fantastic! (Like we didn't all know that already) His echo and chest x-ray looked great. They, as are we, thrilled with his recovery. He even told Staci the names of his horse and Tissy's! Staci is this wonderful cardiac nurse that asked Coop over and over again the name of his horse and received nothing back other than a death stare. So she was delighted to finally get an answer. I had been pretty sure he would flip out once we got there but we talked about it on the way over and he did great. He only cried whey they removed the sterile strips that covered his chest. His incision looks incredible. It is very clean, straight and thin. In our opinion, Coop's chest looks perfect! I am so proud of our big boy and so thankful of the outcome!

Yesterday Coop called Raelynn and says, "Tissy, come home NOW and pay with me!" Raelynn responded, "I will see you in 2 days Boo." Coop confirms, "2 days". Raelynn says, "yes, two days and then we can play." Coop says in a sad meek voice, "O'Tay." So finally, looking ahead to tomorrow, he will see his Tissy. Then we can get back to our "normal" life. I can't wait!


Mary Beth said...

Rock on Super Cooper!!!! So glad you're healing so perfectly!!! Can't wait to see you Monday!!!! Bring your "Tissy" too! We love you big boy!!! Kisses! MB

Jenny said...

Such wonderful news! Our family has kept yours in our thoughts and prayers while Cooper went into his surgery. His recovery has been amazing!!!
Heart hugs,
Jenny (mom to Aly-HLHS)

miles3_17 said...

Congrats! What great news. Hope to see you guys tomorrow, I'll call to check with you first! Kaden is dying to see Coop!

Carolyn Martin said...

More wonderful news. Cooper's recovery is amazing. I still remember all of you in my prayers. Can't wait to hear about Cooper and Tissy's reunion.

Nana Jan said...

SO glad to hear that Cooper's check-up went well. I imagine you're on your way to git "Tissy" this morning and I bet Cooper will give her lots of loving!!! Have a great weekend with your family all back together again.