Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A SISTER................

This is a completely random post but I was getting some paperwork that had stacked up while we were gone organized. There were some cards we had received that I had set aside for the kids scrapbooks. One of the cards was for Raelynn from some friends who never forget about her when we are going through things with Cooper. When we received it and I read it to Raelynn it made me cry and today when I read it again, again it made me cry. Our friend had inserted two quotes that are so perfectly wonderful and perfectly Raelynn.

"In the cookies of life, sisters are the chocolate chips!"

"A sister is a forever friend"

If you could ever see Cooper and Raelynn playing just the two of them when they think no one is watching it is magical. Watching Cooper this week without her just makes me realize how much she means to him and every time Raelynn calls she asks with such enthusiasm to talk to Boo. I assume it will not always be sweet and loving, but if the two of them can always hold on to the fact that they are the best friends they will ever have and that there is no one in the world you can relate to like your brother or sister, I know they will always find their forever friend!

(Thanks Sarah)


The Dukes said...

Now you've gone and made me cry! We think about Raelynn and Cooper so much- you have two little ones that are wise beyond their years- it's not always easy to raise children that come to you so mature, but the rewards are immeasurable. You're doing a great job with both of them, we just like to give a little extra attention in Raelynn's direction when so much (totally necessary of course) attention is on Cooper.

Anonymous said...

Wow, go away for a weekend and miracles happen!!!! Already home, I couldn't believe it, but like you said a picture is worth a thousand words. So glad you are home and Coop is doing so well. He look great.
