Wednesday, June 2, 2010


So I guess if I am doing a countdown I should have started with "7 Days and Counting" yesterday instead of Day

6 Days and Counting

Today we spent the afternoon at doctors for pre op appointments. First we visited Dr. Kelley. Coop weighed in at 24lbs, yea! and 33.25". He is now in the 3% for height and 2% for weight. He is on the charts in both categories!!!! Everything checked out great there and Dr. Kelley cleared us for surgery. Then it was off to Dr. Green to check his eyes. His vision is not necessarily improving on the left eye like we had hoped and we are compromising his depth perception by continuing to patch. Therefore, Dr. Green has decided that we will take a break from patching for now. We will visit her again in August and we will decide what we will do from there. Coop will be thrilled that the patching is over. He has handled it very well but his skin is getting sore and he just knows he can see better when it is not patched. Stopping the patching for now will also just be one less things we have to worry about during recovery so I was good for that.

I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel at work and am hoping by the time I get done tonight I will be even closer to feeling like I have everything ready to be gone for awhile. I will be at work all day for the next couple of days with no doctors appointments to interrupt so that should help greatly too. I called my Mom this afternoon just to see if she was feeling as stressed out as I was since she too has to prepare to be away from home and work for an unknown amount of time too. She assured me she did so I guess I took comfort in knowing I was not alone, Thanks Mom! :) I did get done with doctors appointments and the pharmacy just in time to drop the kids off with Terry and be only a few minutes late to my tee time. This is the last week I will get to play in our golf league for awhile and even though I stink, I enjoyed the time to just relax and not worry about the million things I have going on in my head.

As for the kids they are doing great. Raelynn has been making me laugh with her increased maturity and willingness to help with whatever I need. Her new word is "lovely". I asked her how her bath was and she replied, "Lovely!" I was rolling with laughter so of course now she uses it whenever appropriate just to make me smile. She also has kept me busy brushing up on my Shakespeare. It seems that a Taylor Swift song that she loves references Romeo and Juliet. Of course my daughter can't just listen to a song she has to understand what they are saying.....she gets this from her Father! So anyway, in order to fully understand the song she wanted to know the story of Romeo and Juliet. I went online and briefed it as a reminder and then gave her a shorter version leaving out all the death stuff and inappropriate to a 4 year old material. She understood completely and now after listening to the song 1200 times in a row is explaining it to me. She also asked me about the Scarlet Letter but I told her we would talk more about that when she got a little older and that she knew enough now to appreciate the song. She is such and analyzer! She also informed me that the song "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is really not about climbing a mountain at all. I asked her how she came up with this and she said, "I watched the Hannah Montana movie." Oh well how stupid of me, I should have known! Really???!!!! Is a 4 year old suppose to be able to analyze things like this? Anyway, regardless, she is an amazing little girl. Tonight I called home after golfing to see if I could stop at the store. I talked to Raelynn and asked her if we needed anything, she replied, "let me check". She then opened the fridge and proceeded to tell me how much milk and OJ we still had, that we were about out of peanut butter, there was only the bread in the fridge but none left in the freezer and that we were out of yogurt. Well who needs to make a grocery list!

Coop is equally as amazing. He is so darn cute and loves everything. He is just plain happy and ornery. He is loving the camp at the gymnastics academy and continues to melt everyones heart. He and Raelynn are the best of buds most of the time and he seems busier every day. He also is starting to have his own opinion about things which does not always sit well with Raelynn but I love to see him developing his own perspective on things. I cannot help but give him a little longer of a kiss on his forehead every night before I go to bed.

Well I better finish up and get to bed....only 4 hours until the alarm sounds again! I love my life!!! Really I do!!!!