Wednesday, June 23, 2010

YEP, IT WAS A TUESDAY..............

Things were moving right along this week. Monday morning we got back to our old routine. The kids were off to day care where they received a warm welcome back. When we arrived they had written in chalk on the sidewalk, "Welcome Back Raelynn and Cooper!" It started their day off right. Then Mary Beth's daughter, Tori, had made the kids tie dye T-shirts that were made with such love and thought it amazed me. She also made Raelynn some awesome flip flops that Raelynn has declared her new slippers. So needless to say they were happy to be back and loved having their friends around again.I too was happy to be back at work. One of our clients called just to welcome me back and how happy he was things went well with Coop. It was really nice. Several others that called or stopped in were happy that things went well also. It is great to be able to celebrate Coop's life with so many people. It was just a good day. We had swimming lessons after work and saw even more friends and then headed home. Raelynn and I decided to try to put rollers in her hair after her shower to see if we could give her curls. It was fun but the rollers didn't make it all night however what did stay in did make her hair adorably curly!
So after a great Monday, we had Tuesday. As I have mentioned before, everything happens on Tuesdays....Terry's Golf Day. It was around 3:30pm I got a call from Mary Beth. Coop had awaken during nap and was very upset and short of breath. He seemed to be in pain. I left work and went to see what was going on. When I got there he had fallen back to sleep but was shallow breathing and whimpering. I called our pediatrician and we finally decided he may be in pain but with his color good and so forth he was probably fine. So I loaded the kids up and headed back to the office to end the day. We left the office around 5:20pm and headed to get diapers. By the time we were headed back home, Coop was screaming in pain and short of breath. I called the cardiac team and they wanted us to take him to CMH ER for a chest X-ray. I called Terry and he headed home. I called Jan and had her pick up Raelynn because as you know from previous posts, I find the ER to be one of the scariest places we have ever visited and did not want Raelynn there again. We were off. Coop screamed or whimpered the whole way there. The chest X-ray came back clear and they decided he had just over done it and gave us another prescription for Oxycodine with Tylenol. Coop had calmed when they gave him the pain meds and by the time we left he walked out of the ER telling everyone good-bye. He fell asleep on the way home, it was around midnight when we got home. When we woke him up to get PJ's on and meds he was crying again and continued to scream/cry/whimper until 6 a.m. when he finally fell asleep. In addition to the inconsolable crying he spiked a fever between 101 and 105 throughout the night even though he was heavily medicated with Ibuprofen and Tylenol. So needless to say I was back on the phone this morning to the pediatrician. We spent a good part of the day at the pediatrician and the lab checking Coop out. At 5:30pm this evening they called and said they found nothing. He has no infections or anything; all the blood work and urine were perfect. He is still complaining that his chest hurts tonight. We don't show any signs of the fever though. I gave him some pain meds this evening and will see what happens tonight. I can tell you I really need a few hours of sleep. I am unbelievably tired! I am still concerned because I don't know that he should be in so much pain this far from surgery but I plan to watch him tonight and observe how things go tomorrow. We are going to slow him down a little so if he has pulled a muscle or something it can have time to heal. However, if we are still dealing with such a strong pain or fever by Friday, I will be in touch with Cardiac again. Come on have made it this far, let's get you healed and give Mom and Dad some rest without worry :)


Jenny said...

awww..poor buddy. :( Praying for this to clear up on it's own and that like you said, maybe he just overdid while playing.
heart hugs,

Stefenie said...

Poor Coop!!!! You just never know following a surgery what can be causing them pain like that. I feel for ya!

Hang in there and know that I am praying!!

Huber Family said...

Ugh, no more terrible Tuesdays!!! Hope little buddy's pain goes away for good. Prayers and positive thoughts headed his way.

On a brighter note, Raelynn looked adorable in her rollers! Reminds me of my childhood (I could never keep them in overnight, either! = )