Friday, June 18, 2010


Last night I think Coop's heart fix finally hit me. He was able to take a bath last night for the first time since his surgery. Coop loves his bathes and he had been asking to take one since we returned home. So last night I gave him a little extra water and a little extra time to play. When it was finally time to get out, I dried him off, brushed his hair and teeth and took him to his room to get his PJ's on. I laid him on the changing table, grabbed his PJ's and as I turned back around to him, my breath was taken away. As I looked at Coop's smiling face all I could see were these incredibly bright pink lips and soft pink skin. I began to cry. In the 2 1/2 years I have spent staring at his adorable face I have never seen pink lips and skin, especially after a bath. His lips are always blue and skin always dusky. I did not even realize how blueish he always has been until I saw him in that moment. Coop's smile disappeared and he said, "Why you cry Mommy?" I began to laugh and told him I was crying because I loved him sooooo much. He looked very confused but I quickly wiped away the tears and continued the smiling and laughing and it did not take long for his smile to return too. If I could have held that moment just a little longer, I would have. I felt for the first time like we had Cooper and there was not this tugging feeling of wondering "but for how long?". As I look at him this morning, watching cartoons and seeing him glance at me with a smile wondering why I am staring at him, I know, finally, Cooper is ours and the next minutes, days, years will be cherished more than he will ever understand.


Stefenie said...

I have had those moments too following a surgery. It is like your emotions from everything finally catch up with you. They are always the happiest tears that fall! {{{HUG}}}

Jenny said...

What a wonderful post! I have tears in my eyes now! He looks wonderful- so pink!! :) :) Glad to hear he's back to his old self. :)

The Dukes said...

I hope that every time he sees that scar in the mirror through the years that it reminds him of just how STRONG he is. The guys with huge V-torsos and bulging pecs will have nothing on Cooper Keefer, who has had his chest open and his heart held in doctor's hands. Recovering from that, and in record time, makes him more of a man at 2 that many people are when they graduate from high school!

miles3_17 said...

Great post, thanks for the tears...but really thanks for the reasurance for us too! Love that little guy! Can't wait to visit you guys.

Alice said...

I just keep thinking, what a blessing! Coop looks amazing, so happy and full of life. big hugs.

Alice said...

and Blaise wants to bring Cooper some more Cheetos when he runs out. So please let us know when you are ready for more.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kristi!! Your little man looks great! I bet he's happier than ever right now too since his "Tissy" came home today, I'm soo glad he got to enjoy a bath!! We love you guys and are glad Coops doing so good~can't wait to see you Monday and keep healing Coop!!!
Marybeth and Family

Anonymous said...

This may very well be my all time favorite post, Kristi! I couldn't help but shed a tear as I tried to read through to the end and absolutely share in your joy over Cooper's wonderful recovery!

Cousin Michelle