Thursday, June 10, 2010


Today went well again! I am loosing a little track of time so if I repeat some info please forgive me. Cooper is now off all his drips which are the meds administered through IV. He is still receiving some electrolytes and such from IV because of course he is not eating but there is no new news there. He does have his oxygen cannula back in but at a very low rate and that is no big deal. The pulled his arterial line in his wrist which is nice because it gives him more mobility. The pace maker has remained off all day and everyone seems pleased with his rate although it is relatively slow. He looks fantastic! He is nice and pink and his perfusion is great. They took his drainage tubes to bulbs which does not probably mean much to all of you but it is one step closer to having them removed. They have taken him off the morphine and switched to ibuprofen and oxycodone. This is a longer lasting pain reliever and does not have the sedative factor that morphine does. Today we were able to hold him which was wonderful. Karli and I held him all afternoon and now he wants to be held all the time but you can't blame him. He did start to interact a little more today and watched a movie and asked me to read him a book which eased my concerns of brain damage a little. He has eaten ice chips and drank some water and apple juice. All in all he is doing just great. The floor doctor said his recovery has been simply amazing and I agree.

Tonight has been a little more difficult. He is verbalizing a lot more pain. It is hard to calm him and he wants to be held like you hold a kid his age, chest to chest, real close but we can only hold him like a baby cradled in our arms. I try to tell him that I want to hold him close too but it will hurt him more.

We were told today that we would be going to the 4th floor tomorrow which is crazy. The 4th floor is where you go right before you go home. I asked if they were sure we were ready for that and she said he looks great and is ready. I said, "no, are you sure WE are ready for that?" They just laughed and assured be that I could handle it considering I spent most of today caring for him anyway. I suppose they are right but in the past we have been at Day 20 before the 4th floor has even been discussed and here we are at Day 3! He is so strong this time!

Terry and I are doing fine. It has been a little rougher this time because we have not gotten a room down the hall which means we have both been staying in the room sleeping in chairs that are not meant to be slept in and no shower, yuck! Therefore, if we are moved to the 4th floor which has a bed and a bathroom we will be ecstatic!!! I am so tired at night and I guess it is just because of the long days and nights. I am hoping Coop sleeps a little more tonight but we will just have to see. I don't mind seeing his beautiful eyes even at 2 a.m.


Mary Beth said...

Cooper ~ you look so wonderful!! It's so nice to see that sweet face ~ and I love that you're drinking!!! Keep it up little man and I'll get you back in no time! Hang in there Kristi and Terry! You two are amazing parents and Cooper and Raelynn are beyond blessed to be able to call you "mom" and "dad"! We love you guys and are so happy for all Coop's strength! MB

The Wiley Clan said...

We are thrilled to hear of Coop's wonderful progress! The kid is a trooper!!! He's so lucky to have you both for his mommy and daddy--you may have no idea how much your presence and love gives him strength and comfort! Enjoy these days of snuggling and nursing him back to health--sounds like you'll be home in no time--we can't wait to see you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Coop is such a champ! He looks amazing! What great news! Try to get some rest if you can. Can't wait to see Coop getting toys in our garage:)

Carolyn Martin said...

Such wonderful wonderful news. I have said several prayers for all of you throughout the day and evening. Will keep the prayers coming your way. Keep the faith and the good work you are doing getting this precious boy this far so quickly. He is a lucky little guy to be blessed with such good parents and a sister like Raelynn.

Anonymous said...

Praise God, for such wonderful news. We will continue to pray for Coop's recovery. and again thank you so much for keeping us updated.

Nana Jan said...

WOW...4th floor already how fantastic!!!!! This little guy wants to go home as soon as possible! He is such a champ and just can't be down for too long. I agree with everyone else that if he didn't have the love and support from such wonderful parents and sibling that he wouldn't be progressing as fast as he is, you guys are wonderful!!!! Give Coop a kiss from Nana Jan and enjoy holding him in your arms....
HUGS to everyone!!

Cathy Nunley said...

Such good news. We're so happy for you all. Love. cn

Huber Family said...

Wow! Way to go Cooper!!!! You always say how much Raelynn is like you and Coop is more laid back like his daddy ... but I think Coop's showing he's got plenty of his momma's spunk and go-go-get-it-done stamina, too (please tell Terry I'm not calling him a slacker! = ) Anyhow, hearing how he's just progressing by leaps and bounds is fantastic!!! Keep it up tough guy!
ps, you look fab for no shower = )~

Stefenie said...

Those pictures just tugged at my heart. They remind me so much of Logan's last surgery in January. Poor sweet Coop. Praying his pain gets under control so he can feel better!

Our PICU has a family shower that we were able to take advantage of. I would always sneak down there at 3 am (I know nice time right) because I knew it would be super clean and no one would be pushing me to get out of there right away. However it is nice once you finally get moved down to the floor and get your own private bath and shower. Soooo much nicer!

Praying for you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Look at those rosy cheeks! Way to go Cooper! We're so happy for all of you!
:-) Julie

Anonymous said...

Cooper looks great. What a wonderful sight to see. He is such a big boy. So happy to hear the 4th floor is right around the corner. You two look great too. You are the only couple I know who can not shower for two days and still look good. Keeping you in my prayers. See you home soon.
Love Vicky

Unknown said...

WOW Kristi he looks great. Such a cutie I just want to kiss him. I can only imagine how those nurses and doctors feel about him, I am sure he has won them over. Lots of ice cream coming Cooper :-).


miles3_17 said...

OMG!!! I love his progress, what a strong boy! You guys are doing awesome. Can't wait for the next great news!! Love ya!

Amber Temple said...

He is just so stinkin' cute! So glad to hear he is making such strides! Way to go Cooper!

Cassidy said...

way to go coop!!!! woo hoo!!! HE LOOKS AMAZING!!! HIS CHEEKS ARE ABOUT AS PINK AS CHANDLERS!!! HAHA keep it up coop!!

Terry, Jessie, Andie said...

Way to go, Cooper! And way to go, mom and dad. Keep strong. You three, and Raelynn, are in our thoughts!!

Anonymous said...

Cooper looks awesome!! Glad to hear that everything
is going well.. Matt and I thought that we might
come down Saturday.. We continue to keep Cooper and your family in our prayers!!
Take care, Juli Beadleston

Unknown said...

We are so happy that all is going well. Please know that the Barnes family is pulling for all of you and looking forward to hearing that you have been able to shower!