Tuesday, June 8, 2010

OK, HOLD YOUR BREATH..............

The repair is complete. They are warming the room back up and slowly removing him from he bypass machine. He has some excess bleeding and they are working on that right now. They have moved us to the NICU waiting room but we still have a couple hours to go. Stacy will be out in a little while to let us know how things are going. This is a huge step as this is where things turned bad last go around. Keep the prayers coming!


The Wiley Clan said...

We are praying!! Come on Coop--show them what you got, buddy! :)

Cassidy said...

eeeeepppppppeeeerrrrrrssss u got all my thoughts and prayers!!! not to mention all my besties because i wont shut up about coop to them hahaha!!! =]

Anonymous said...

Go IronMan!!


Raelynn said...

I love you mommy, daddy and Cooper and hope you're having a great time at the hospital! I love you! Cooper I love you! Raelynn

miles3_17 said...

Kaden has told me Coop is in his "pwares" all day b/c he's in a BIG surgerwy. Come on Coop, hang in there! You got this!! Love ya!!!!!!!

Mary Beth said...

So glad they are done doing what they need to do! Big prayers your way ~ I've been keeping Raelynn posted and whatever her comment says are her very words! Sooooooo sweet! Much love! MB

Nana Jan said...

Go Coop you've done great so far today you can cross the finish line buddy!!! We love you!