Thursday, June 10, 2010


The night went well. Cooper did great but was awake often. He is requiring morphine about every 2 hours for pain right now. He is not telling us he hurts verbally but his breathing and heart rate are indicating it. The cardiac team just rounded and they have turned the pacemaker off for now to see how he does. He has some PVC (premature ventricle contraction) but other than that seems to be doing well. His heart rate is a little lower than it was with the pacemaker but as long as his perfusion (color) stays good, they will leave it off. They will be taking the next step in removing his drainage tubes by changing them to bulbs. Basically they just cut down these long drainage tubes and put a "bulb" on the end to collect the blood. After this step they remove them but it could still be a day or so before they are out. So again great progress for Coop!!!

I did not mention one of my concerns yesterday because I was really trying to barry it in my mind. Cooper is not responding to directions, i.e. "Cooper look at Mommy", "Cooper do you want to watch cartoons", etc. Every time he goes under his chances of brain damage increase. Late last night he seemed fully awake but yet would hardly make eye contact with me. I could not help but be very concerned. The nurse reminded me that it has been a very difficult couple days for him but also validated my concern. I couldn't help but cry. Can you imagine if the Cooper we take home isn't the same funny, sweet, energetic Cooper that we brought? I just can't! About 4 a.m. this morning when he awoke and I got up to hold his hand he called out to me about 3 times. This is a very good sign. I am still cautious though and really hope that he will start to interact with us so I know he is still the same little boy.

This time we are so much busier than in the past. We used to sit days with nothing to do but Cooper needs us so much this time. There is hardly a minute that we are not holding his hand or trying to talk to him. It is great to be needed! The nurse said this visit would be much more exhausting for us because he would need us much more than he did in the past surgeries, but I disagree. It is exhausting to sit and have no idea how you can help and watch him just lay there. I would much rather chase him around, hold his hand or anything else.

Well we are moving rooms so I have to go. We are moving to room 17 which is further away from the nurses station which is good news, it means we are not as critical anymore.....YEA!


Mary Beth said...

Keep your faith Kristi! You can still see the spark in his eyes that he's always had. Many prayers and good wishes your way today! *PS ~ it's ok to cry ~ we know you're strong but your also human! We love you guys! MB

Nana Jan said...

Just remember that Cooper is very drugged up right now and can't be at his 100 percent responding stage. He's made it this far and he will be back to himself in a few days, just keep the faith and hang in there. We all continue to pray hard for him out here. Ditto to Mary Beth statement, "It's okay to cry", you need that cleansing right now to get you through all of this!!

The Dukes said...

I am a worrier extraordinaire. I never "have a feeling" that everything is going to be alright. Ask my husband, I'm not easy to live with in that respect. HOWEVER, this is one of the few times I just know, absolutely know it to be true in my heart, that Cooper is going to recover and be as feisty and funny as ever. I can't wait to read about tomorrow and the next day and the next day as he becomes himself again because I know you'll write all about it.

Anonymous said...

Kristi...I ditto The Dukes comment...I know Cooper is going to be back to his cute, amazing and funny little self very, very soon. I remember after my mom had her valve replacement that it was a couple of days before she was responding like normal. He has been through so much and I have faith that God will guide him through each challenge. We are praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

Crying is great! I cry with you.

Barbara Keller

Huber Family said...

Woohoo! Go Cooper! I'm not telling you anything new here, but that little boy is simply amazing = ) I hope he continues to improve throughout the day and your fears will be alleviated. More happy dances here for all of the breakthroughs!

Anonymous said...

Hugs to you all! Glad to hear the progress he is making! More prayers your way!

Forty Something Food Fight said...

Hang in there Kristi! I remember that Adam too was not very responsive after surgery- after he got the ventilator off and was able to sit up, he just wanted to play his DS and be in his own world. I think it was kind of his way of trying to deal with all of the strange things going on. take care! -Diane, heart mom to Adam

Clean and Classic Interiors said...

Your little man is absolutely amazing and teaching us all such valuable and precious lessons. I cry right through all of your posts and I just keep praying that Cooper and you all will feel comfort soon. Such a blessing for us all to be able to share with you in your moments with Cooper. Thank you. Katie Stutler